Sunday, May 27, 2012


Sorry about the butt, Cory, but this was
seriously the best photo I got in As-Salt!
Here he is juggling for our new friends:)
Our group of interns decided to get out of the city (sort of) and check out the neighboring town of As-Salt. Getting there was fairly straightforward and it was interesting to see the landscape change a bit as we got further toward the outskirts of Amman. It didn't really seem as though the city ever ended, but there were certainly parts with more open space and land. We also passed the University of Jordan on our way out which was actually pretty impressive. I was most pleased to see a vast increase in women in the area. I tend to get pretty excited about female education and wholeheartedly support women receiving higher level degrees. I will definitely be interested in going out to the university a few times to learn more and get to know people.
As-Salt was slightly anticlimactic. It was quieter than Amman, but also didn't have a whole lot for us to see. We wandered about most of the day, stopped for lunch, and had the opportunity to play with some little kids on a sidestreet. They were so sweet and so friendly to us. The people here are wonderful hosts, even children! They kept offering us fruit, toys, and anything else they had. I have been so impressed at how generous everyone here is. They work hard to please guests and make everyone feel welcome and cared for.

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